Auction Catalog

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UCO Swag

University of Central Oklahoma

It's A Girl!

Final Touch

Sugar and Spice and everything nice!  This basket is the perfect gift for someone with a precious new baby girl. Basket includes:  baby girl outfit, Bunny Nunu, baby wash, book, washcloth set, reversible blanket, hat and throw, organizer tote.

Sugar and Spice and everything nice!  This basket is the perfect gift for someone with a precious new baby girl. Basket includes:  baby girl outfit, Bunny Nunu, baby wash, book, washcloth set, reversible blanket, hat and throw, organizer tote.

Sugar and Spice and everything nice!  This basket is the perfect gift for someone with a precious new baby girl. Basket includes:  baby girl outfit, Bunny Nunu, baby wash, book, washcloth set, reversible blanket, hat and throw, organizer tote.